Waiting Room, Women’s Board Center for Radiation Therapy
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Ill.
The large waiting room for this Radiation Therapy department was dark and old, with a feeling of confinement and isolation because the windows were blocked out to preserve privacy.
The Center’s Administrative Director hoped to create a more user-friendly, natural environment where patients, families, and staff would not feel the negative, isolated effects of this windowless area.
The physical limitations of the building prevented the use of actual skylights, but the Chair of the Radiation Oncology Department championed the use of SkyCeilings™ from The Sky Factory to create a virtual, yet effective connection with the sky and outside world.
After conducting a detailed study of the existing ceiling to determine the overall accessibility for the installation of SkyCeiling fixtures, I presented a basic design layout.
After design approval, I teamed up with the SkyDesigners at The Sky Factory to produce custom images based on the specific requirements of the occupants and the limitations of the room to create the most credible, most effective biophilic engagement possible.
As this was an open, busy waiting room during business hours, arrangements had to be made for weekend installation. All the materials were staged at the electrical contractor’s warehouse two weeks before the scheduled installation. This allowed the installers to become familiar with the system, and pre-install many of the remote electrical systems and controls.
Installation was completed on a Saturday morning. The LED lighting in this system is expected to operate 12+ years without maintenance.
Product Specifications: Sky Factory Revelation RV44 Luminous SkyCeiling, 4’ x 4’ LED back-lit single panel fixture