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Biophilic Engagement: The Case for Skyscapes over Landscapes
When I first began installing virtual skylights in radiation therapy vaults twenty years ago, doctors would often ask if one of their own photographs could be reproduced into a large skylight. The imagery ranged from vacation sites, gardens, architectural structures, sunsets or even pets.
A Single Book can Create a Lifelong Learner
Reading. One of the single most powerful acts of personal responsibility an individual must master, and the earlier the better.
Why an MRI Needs the Sky
The poor MRI. It is an undeserving recipient of a bad rap caused by misinformation, rumor, or in many cases, downright ignorance. Some say all the negative press was started by an insecure X-ray department.
Why Put a Window in a Car Roof or A Healthcare Facility?
The sky affects us every moment we are exposed to it. It conveys the weather, time of day, time of year, passage of time, and our location both on earth and in the universe.
Benefits of Virtual Skylights in LINAC Rooms
As a student of the science of Biophilia, and a practitioner of Biophilic Engagement, I’m constantly striving to learn the most effective, and credible way to negate the unhealthy aspects of the windowless, healthcare environment through a visual connection with nature.
Why I Love the Sky
During the 2012 U.S. election season, candidate Mitt Romney gave a speech in Detroit in which he raved not only about how great the lakes in Michigan were, but that “the trees are just the right height.”